Friday, July 4, 2014

What it's all about.


     My entire life I have had the dream of writing and publishing a novel.  I completed my first novel, a fantasy story, when I was in the sixth grade.  My second complete novel was completed during my Junior year of high school... another fantasy novel.  (See a pattern?)  I have also written countless children's stories, short stories, poems, incomplete works, and even a play.
     After high school life seemed to take over and I had relatively little time to spend on simply writing for fun.  College, boyfriends, getting married, having a child... it all kept me away from my hobby.  In 2005 I began work on a mostly complete novel about dating and relationships but never could seem to finish it.  What I SHOULD write and what I WANT to write are two very different things.  I should be writing about being a good girl, loving horses, and following the Godly rules I was brought up with, but what I WANT to write about is scandalous and full of drama because, sadly, my life is quite boring.  I've played by the rules, done what I should, and my creative side takes me to all the places I could have gone if I hadn't been such a goodie-goodie in my younger years.
     Since I don't have the time to focus on writing a complete novel, I have decided to break it down into manageable chunks... one chapter at a time, and sometimes not even that much.  I'm hoping to post the novel one chapter at a time as I complete them.  I would love feedback on my work if you're feeling so inclined.  Perhaps, send a suggestion on where you think the story should go?
     The idea came to me when I realized that even though my life is boring, I have some pretty funny things that happen to me from time to time, and they always make great stories for parties.  I've also spent many years listening to my friends tell me about their adventures and decided to throw in a few of those as well (all with names and key details changed, naturally).  Plus, being the creative individual that I am, I have spent time thinking, "Wouldn't it be funny if [such and such] happened," or, "How would I feel if [this horrible act] happened to me?"
     This book is a little of my experiences, mixed with stories from my friends, and a lot of made-up stuff just because my imagination likes to get carried away with me occasionally.  Enjoy the stories.  Have fun trying to decipher truth from fiction.  Take it for what it's worth... a hobby.


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